


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9pm - 5pm | Sat: 9am - 4pm

Nothing screams effortless style quite like a true handleless kitchen. Often seen in open plan spaces, handleless doors offer an uncluttered and streamlined feel to your kitchen. The epitome of classic contemporary, handleless kitchen units are becoming an increasingly popular choice.

There are a number of handleless options to consider….

‘J’ Profile

The ‘J’ Profile handleless door is exactly what is seems, a ‘J’ shaped integrated handle. This easy to clean streamlined ‘J’ profile is available to two-door ranges, one high gloss and the other satin matt.

True Handle-less

Many of our ranges are available in a handle-less option. Handle-less profiles are available in 8 different colours

Request a brochure for more information. 



If a handleless kitchen is not for you, we have a huge range of handles to choose from. Request a brochure for the full range.







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